B. Fulton-sm

Provide a Lifeline to Vulnerable Older Adults Facing a Financial Crisis

The Resident Emergency Help Fund assists older adults in their time of need with a utility bill, medical prescription, ambulance ride, or a pair of glasses.

Older adults living on fixed incomes of less than $16,590 annually, or $1,382 per month, struggle to pay for basic necessities. Too often, older adults with very low incomes are forced to pick between food and their life-saving medications, a choice no one should have to make.


The Resident Emergency Help Fund is solely donor funded and relies on the continuous support of generous donors to keep the fund open to older adults. Your support is a lifeline to those who live paycheck to paycheck. Thank you!


In 2022, we distributed over
$19,000  to 71 residents at PVM Villages

Since the fund opened in 2011,
we have distributed over $115,000 to 500 residents

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Griffin Thank you image
Levasseur picture
Casey Bert 2

Here’s what your donations have done so far

I am truly humbled and so grateful to have been given a scooter which gives me my legs to get around. Thank you so very much!!

Sandy Skzypek

I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your assistance in helping me in my time of need. Its nice to know there are good caring people like you in this evil, crazy world. Once again, THANK YOU and Bless you!

Kelly Graves

Thank you so very much!

During this season of my life by losing my husband, Carl, you step in and help me to get over a rough path, trying to catch up on bills. Thank you for […], you mean the world to me for this.

Much love,

Brenda Fulton

A belated note to say “Thank you” for the gift from your foundation. These funds will allow me to get the lower teeth I need to chew and to be able to smile again. My total knee replacement was scheduled about the time your funds were received. So this note was delayed.

Sincere thanks again,

Linda Conroy

Your support has provided me with a wonderful place to live.

Thank you,

Constance Charles

Donors of PVM Resident Assistance Fund,

Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for providing me with the funds for a mattress that I was in need of. This need are from nowhere,I had to get rid of my old mattress due to some issues. I was struggling to figure out what to do and at that moment the funds were a blessing.

The funds were truly helpful and s stress reliever in an unforeseen situation. I hope you may continue to make a difference in other’s lives, just like you did to me.

Thank you again to the donors,

Casey Bert

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