Presbyterian Villages of Michigan Foundation
Making Life Better for Seniors
With your help, we can do so much.
At Presbyterian Villages of Michigan, philanthropy fuels our forward progress – from large scale projects like the Thome Rivertown Neighbor in Detroit to a resident yoga class. You, the committed donor, enable PVM to perform wonderful acts of kindness for older adults. Without you, these things would not have happened…
- Bed for a resident who had none
- New home for a resident living in dire conditions
- First trip/vacation (EVER!) outside of the City of Detroit to Niagara Falls through the resident activity fund
- Offering respite care for an exhausted family member caring for their mother
- A resident able to access reliable transportation, so they’re not a burden on family and friends
- A brand new A/V system allowing residents with hearing issues to fully participate.
Your donations make it happen! So much good results from your kindness.
Please continue or consider being a donor. There is a life of an older ready to be touched!!

Paul J. Miller, CFRE
President, Presbyterian Villages of Michigan Foundation

Our Mission
Guided by our Christian heritage, we serve all seniors creating new possibilities for quality living.