Please donate today

Donate to The Village of Harmony Manor

Social engagement isn’t just nice to have; it’s essential.

During the month of April, your gift has the power to do more.
Your contribution could help unlock an additional $5,000 match for The Village of Harmony Manor, multiplying the impact of your generosity!

Older adults are particularly vulnerable to social isolation, but we can change this with your generosity!

Your past donation supported the Village in being able to purchase more exercise equipment for their wellness center. For one resident, as a former college football player, having access to this equipment and being able to maintain his physical activity was crucial for his physical and mental well-being.

Donated technology gave a resident a reason to leave her apartment every morning. In the past year, a new smart television was added to the community café and it is commonly used to play music during the morning coffee hour.

For many, this time provides much-needed social interaction for the residents. Since the television has been added, a resident started coming
to coffee hour just to listen to the music and sit with her friends, when before, she would sit alone in her apartment. Your donation gives
her a reason to get up every morning!


Your donation helps make these activities possible. What will your donation do next?

To donate by phone, please call (248) 281-2040.

The PVM Foundation is a 501(c)3 charitable organization.

Give locally by designating your gift to The Village of Harmony Manor!

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