DeeDee is strong & healthy at 90 Because of YOUR help!

“I love people, and I love to move!” – Thanks to you DeeDee is still active and loving life at 90!
Even as a little girl, DeeDee never let others tell her she couldn’t – especially when it came to athletic pursuits. Whether it was climbing the tallest tree or leading her school’s baseball team to victory, DeeDee was always trying to “outdo” the boys.
“It’s easy to be a tomboy when you’ve got two brothers,” says DeeDee, an original resident of The Village of Holly Woodlands, which serves mostly seniors living solely on social security. “I said, ‘I can do that, and there’s nothing to it!’”
Now edging on 90, DeeDee is still a competitor. She credits her can-do attitude with keeping her strong and healthy well into her golden years – and the place, Holly Woodlands, that encourages and supports her every step of the way.
At PVM, older adults are never told “you can’t.” By donating to the PVM Foundation, you’re nurturing the same fighting spirit that has kept DeeDee going in the face of adversity.

DeeDee shares her comeback story during the 2019 Village Victory Cup, with PVM Foundation President, Paul Miller.
This past June marked DeeDee’s triumphant return to the Village Victory Cup, PVM’s annual wellness competition for older adults, after breaking her leg two years ago. Missing the 2017 and 2018 events was hard on DeeDee, and when she finally returned to the competition in 2019, she found joy again in competing with her teammates.
“When I got there, I said, ‘Oh boy, here we go!’ Because I don’t like to just sit and sit. I do like it here because they do keep you busy,” says DeeDee. “I’m going to live until I’m 120. That’s my goal.”
And PVM programming, like the Village Victory Cup, is helping her toward that goal. For DeeDee, it’s simple: “I love people, and I love to move!” she says. Living at Holly Woodlands means DeeDee and her fellow residents can keep doing what they love, for longer.